Exotic bully vs American bully

The exotic bully and the American bully are both recently developed bully breeds, but the exotic one is a very recent breed of the American bully. Being closely related to each other, many people even misconceive their identity. Hence, it is significant to draw out clear-cut differences between the two, i.e., the exotic bully vs. the American bully.

Exotic bully vs American bully

So, let’s compare these two amazing breeds and get aware of all the characteristics that set them apart from one another. Moreover, if you are looking for a pet, then this article may assist you in a better way. 

History of the Standard American Bully and the Exotic Bully

The origin of the American bully breed dates back to the late 20th century, i.e., 1980–1990, but it was officially recognized by the American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC) in 2004. This breed is the result of intermixing American pitbull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers, and various other bulldog breeds.

On the other side, the exotic bully is a recent product that is a subtype of an American bully breed. They were being produced and formally recognized by some breed associations in 2004. But they haven’t received any official recognition from the American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC) up until now. The French bulldog has been used specifically while crossbreeding to obtain a smaller-sized American bully dog.

Physical characteristics: Standard American Bully vs. Exotic Bully

If we focus on the physical appearance of both standard American bullies and exotic bullies, they may appear very similar at first sight. But if we place them next to one another, you will surely perceive some clear-cut differences between them. 

Let’s discuss some of the physical characteristics of the above two different canines:

1)Size : 

An American bully is a medium- to large-sized canine that generally grows between 16 and 20 inches in height. On the other hand, exotic bullies are small to medium sized dogs that can typically grow under 17 inches in height.

2)Weight : 

American bullies are found in four different classes, which include Standard, Classic, Pocket, and XL bullies. Their weight ranges from 40 to 130 pounds, while Exotic bullies’ weight ranges from 30 to 50 pounds.

3)Appearance :

If you have no idea about both breeds, then it’s common to be mistaken at first glance. But once you closely observe the American bully and the exotic bully, it will become easy for you to differentiate them on the basis of their appearance.

So, let’s see some of the most noticeable differences between them:

  • Body structure: Exotic American bullies hold smaller and broader bodily structures than the standard American bully breed. They have some exaggerated physical features, which makes them appear distinct from other bully breed canines.
  • Head: Though exotic bullies are shorter and stockier, their heads are marginally broader than those of American bullies.
  • Coats: Both breeds have smooth and thick coats, but exotic bullies have thicker coats.
  • Tails: Exotic bullies have thicker tails compared to American bullies, which have a shorter tail.
  • Ears: Usually, American bullies have their ears cropped, but exotic bullies hold their natural ears.

Temperament: Standard American Bully vs. Exotic Bully

Both Standard and exotic American bullies are equivalently friendly and good-tempered canines. They may appear intimidating due to their muscular physical features, but they prove to be the most friendly dogs. They get along very well with their family members and children. Hence, they are also considered the best companions of human beings.


Moreover, both breeds are highly energetic dogs, which makes it essential to channel their energy into appropriate activities like exercises or short walks. It will ensure their positive behavior and avoid destruction.

Food and Diet: Standard American Bully vs. Exotic Bully

American bullies and exotic bullies are both muscular dog breeds and, therefore, have higher nutritional requirements. Their diet should contain all necessary nutrients, specifically an appropriate amount of protein and essential fats.

American bully food stand

At least 25% of proteins should be present in their diet, and it can come from a variety of sources, including lean meats, chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, etc.

Health concerns

American bullies and exotic bullies are vulnerable to the same health problems, like hip dysplasia, allergies, heart disease, thyroid problems, cataracts, etc. There are several factors that are responsible for their poor health, including their age, genes, exercises, nutritional requirements, grooming, and health care.

Responsible breeding and proper vet care for these canines can help you reduce the risk of those diseases. Hence, it is crucial to buy your pet from a breeder who prioritizes the health of their dogs.

Exercise Requirements: Standard American Bully vs. Exotic Bully

Exercise is also crucial to maintaining their overall health and well-being. Both are energetic canines, but American bullies hold more energy than exotic bullies. Moderate amounts of exercise should be included in their daily routine. Otherwise, excessive physical exertion may prove risky for them.

Exercises such as short walks, fetching, tug of war, etc. are some of the exercises that will prove instrumental for their good health. 

Training: Standard American Bully vs. Exotic Bully

Both American bullies and exotic bullies are also highly trainable breeds, as they are highly intelligent and always eager to please their owners. Efficient and consistent training is required to develop an obedient and well-mannered pet.

However, both of the above-breed dogs are a little stubborn and require a lot of patience to handle. Positive reinforcement methods like praise and reward-based training will prove more effective than anything else. 

Pricing: Standard American Bully vs. Exotic Bully

The exotic bully is a fairly new breed, and it is not easy for breeders to follow all breed-specific standards. Hence, these bullies command a higher price than the American bully. Their usual price is $5,000 and may rise up to $10,000 depending upon their lineage, size, coat color, appearance, etc. Microbullies are also too expensive, like exotic bullies, due to their higher demand for uncommon breeds.

On the flip side, American bully dogs have well-established normal breeding standards and demand less investment. We can buy an American bully for an average price of $2,000 to $8,000.

Final Ending

Exotic and American bullies symbolize high spirits, enthusiasm, and deep affection. Both breeds are able to build a strong and loving bond with their families. However, both breeds have some physical differences that set them apart from one another. So, choosing one of these two breeds is entirely a personal choice. Factors such as characteristics of breeds, space available, activity level, and time available for training and socialization should be carefully taken into consideration before making a choice.

Regardless of your choice of either of the breeds, both will be wonderful additions to your home and family. Moreover, after making an informed decision, it is essential to ensure responsible ownership and take care of the well-being of your amiable companion.


Q1. What is the Exotic Bully?

Ans. The exotic bully is a recent product which is a subtype of an American bully breed. The French bulldog has been used specifically while crossbreeding for obtaining such a smaller sized American bully. This breed tends to exhibit more pronounced features, such as a bigger head, a shorter muzzle and a wider chest.

Q2. Are exotic bullies aggressive?

Ans. Exotic American bullies are equivalent friendly and good-tempered canines like American bullies. They may appear intimidating due to their muscular physical features, but they prove to be the most friendly dogs.

Q3. What are the problems with exotic bullies?

Ans. Exotic bullies are prone to some health issues like hip dysplasia, skin diseases, allergies, heart disease, thyroid, cataracts etc.

Q4. How tall are exotic bullies?

Ans. Exotic bullies are small to medium-sized dogs which can typically grow under 17 inches in height.

Q5. Are bullies safe dogs?

Ans. With the help of efficient training and proper socialization, American bullies come out as excellent family dogs. But due to their strength and extreme aggression as a result of inefficient training methods, this breed has been banned in a few countries, like the U.K, Turkey etc.

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