Can XL Bully live outside ?

Some of the masses consider an XL American bully as an outside dog because of its impressive size. They believe that these canines don’t catch a cold easily owing to their thick fur. On the other hand, others believe that they can’t be kept outside throughout the year.

Can XL Bully live outside

So let’s have a clear and detailed discussion about the same and get the satisfying answer to the question “can XL bully live outside?” Moreover, we will also discover all the risks of living outside for XL American bullies.

So, let’s know what temperature suits them the most.

Why do some people keep their dogs outside throughout the year ?

There are different reasons for owners to keep their pet outside all the time. Some people think it’s just like an option or personal choice of their owners to keep them inside or outside. But this is not always the case.

Sometimes what happens is , as large-sized canines like American XL bullies take up a large space of the house , they are forced by their owners to live outside.

Very often , the key reason for dogs living outside the home is due to someone in the home being allergic to those dogs. These allergies may further lead to some new types of allergies if that person comes in contact with them. Thus, many people set up a separate kennel house for these canines to live in throughout the year.

Can an XL American bully live outside ?

Generally, American Bullies XL are unsuitable for outside living. So, if you’re wondering about having an outside dog, then an American bully XL would not be an appropriate choice for you!

American XL bullies are hypersensitive to extreme weather conditions of the atmosphere. They cannot withstand in very hotter or cooler climates. In a moderate climate with little variation in temperature, an XL American bully can survive but they don’t prefer to live outside at all.

XL American bully is a friendly and family-oriented dog. It greatly desires the love , care and attention of its family members. Moreover, these canines are ever eager to please their owners too. Thus , they like to be inside with the family.

Owing to their high spirit , American XL Bullies love hiking , walking on the grass, rolling and playing etc. till the door remains open. As soon as the door closes, they also want to be inside with the family. Living outside in isolation may also give rise to behavioural issues like separation anxiety, fear and aggression.

How does the outer living of an XL bully affect it ?

As in the olden days, ancestors of dogs lived outside all the time .Thus, some of us believe that dogs are supposed to live outside the home just like guards for guarding purposes.

Nowadays, dogs, including XL American bullies, are bred and raised in totally different situations from their ancestors. Thus, they can’t survive outside in extreme weather conditions.

outer living of an XL bully affect it

XL American bully dogs were specifically developed as an affectionate and companion breed. They hanker for attention and care from human beings close to them.

In case they don’t get that heed and affection, they try to get it through their wild activities like digging, barking and even biting.

In the long run, it results in their destructive behaviour which may be unsave for people and other animals too . Apart from their behaviour, outside living of XL American bullies may also give rise to several threats to themselves.

Even fencing four sides can let some animals like snakes , cobra and cats enter into the boundary of your house. The battle among these animals may also cause severe harm to your pet. So, it is good to keep your XL bully inside safe and secure.

Do XL American bullies prefer warm weather ?

XL American bullies love to enjoy warm weather outside in the spring or summer. In fact, their thick furs and hanging ears help them keep their body cool.

But XL American bully dogs are more prone to the risk of overheating in hot weather than other breeds of dogs. Just like human beings give out sweat in hot climates for cooling, these canines breathe heavily in similar conditions.

Yet, it does not work out sometimes due to their shorter snouts. They find it hard to regulate the temperature of their body. In such hot weather, these dogs are in great need of shade and adequate water in order to prevent dehydration in their body.

Signs of overheating include :

  • Heavy panting
  • drooling in excess
  • extreme tiredness
  • weakness
  • Collapse

Ensure the availability of a great deal of water and avoid exercising in hot weather.

Appropriate care and preventive measures will enable your XL American bully to live a strong and cheerful life. Don’t dump all the water at once as it may shock your pet.

Try to cool their furs little by little. Even if this doesn’t work out at all , contact or take your XL Bully immediately to a vet.

Do XL American bullies catch colds easily ?

Though XL American bully is a dog breed known for its impressive size and strength, they are extremely sensitive to cold climates.

They catch up cold rapidly in the winter season.This is chiefly due to their short fur and less fat, which allow the cool air to pass through easily.

So, the owners of these canines should be extra cautious while caring for them. They should be provided with a warm, cosy bed along with warm clothing.

Moreover, XL American bullies must be given fresh food and water irrespective of weather conditions prevailing. If you take them out for walks in a chilly morning of winter, put a warm coat or sweater over them.

It is strongly recommended to bring these bullies inside if the temperature drops down below 11.66° C. Otherwise, their exposure to cold for an extended span of time may result in hypothermia.

Some signs of hypothermia include shivering , pale skin, skin hardness, slow breathing rate and unconsciousness. In such conditions, it is crucial to carry them to the vet’s clinic or hospital as early as possible.

How to keep your XL American bully warm outside in winter

It is crucial to be aware of the outer climate and take the necessary precautions for the safety of your pets in the winter.

All the dogs of the breed are not the same. Some of them want to stay outside and enjoy playing outside the home. In that case, construct an outside area for your pet to live in.

Build a waterproof kennel along with a wooden floor and a warm bed to ensure their comfortable sleep on winter nights.

Alternative options for keeping your XL American bully outside throughout the year

If you feel insecure about permanently shifting your pet outside, then there are different alternatives to keep your XL bully out at all seasons of a year. Let us discuss those options further:

1) Moving your XL bully inside at night

It is absolutely a choice of the owner whether to keep their pet inside. Yet, it can be a great alternative for dogs who love to enjoy and play outside .

They can run and play around all the day outside in a yard and be brought back inside specifically on cooler nights.

Apart from this, thieves or other intruders may enter at night and harm your XL bully outside. Hence, bringing it inside will help them assure a comfortable, warm and secure place to live in !

2) Build a warm kennel or dog house

If you want to keep your pet outside and you are living in an area of extremities like severe hot or extreme cold climate, then building an insulated dog house can be a good idea !

You can either get a prebuilt insulated kennel or get it constructed by installing heating or cooling components in it. This insulated shelter will be beneficial in both summer and winter as well. It can be cooled down in summer and provide warmth in winter.

Thus, it can be a homely place to live for an XL Bully even during the days of the coldest and the hottest weather conditions.

3) Provide them with warmth clothing

Providing your XL American bully with warm clothes is also an amazing thought to protect it from cold.

If you want your pet to take it outside for walks on a snowy morning, then put on a coat or jacket that may fit it well. These clothes won’t allow it to get cold quickly.

4) Ensure a warm bed

Another way to keep your American XL bully warm and provide protection against cold weather is to provide a warm bed.

It will ensure the health and warmth of a pet during winter days.

5) supervise the health conditions

It is also crucial to monitor the health of your XL American bully every time, especially during the winter months.

It is a prime responsibility of owners to observe any signs of health issues in their pet and take them to a vet immediately for treatment.

Final Ending

Keeping a canine outside the home can be a heart-wrenching and difficult decision to make for pet owners.

It is not appropriate to put your XL American bully out throughout a year due to the ill effects of extreme climates. They are highly prone to overcooling and overheating.

Being a loving and perfect companion breed, it is advisable to keep them inside with family members. Thus, XL American bully breeds are not suitable for living outside all the time.

Hope this article will help you make an informed and right decision for you !

Keep reading and share if you find it helpful.


Q1. Are XL bullies indoor or outdoor dogs?

Ans. XL American bullies should not live outside all the time as they are highly prone to overheating and cold weather because of having short furs.

Q2.What temperature can XL bully tolerate?

Ans. The temperature around 12 to 15°C is considered safe for most pets, including XL bully.

Q3.Can you keep an American bully outside?

Ans. No, an American bully is not a breed to be kept outside your home.

Q4 How long should I walk my XL bully?

Ans. At Least 30 minutes of exercise or walking is required for a larger dog like XL bully.

Q5.What temperature is too hot for American bullies?

Ans. When the temperature reaches around 85°F or above, then American bullies should be kept inside all the time.

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