Can XL Bully Eat Raw Meat ?

All American bully types, including XL bully, have gained immense popularity in the dog world. XL American bully is an athletic and muscular breed which requires proper food and nutrition.

Some believe raw meat to be the best food for them. So, in this article we will have a detailed discussion and answer the query “Can XL bully eat raw meat”.

Can XL Bully Eat Raw Meat

Some even consider that feeding raw meat to your XL bully contributes to their wild behaviour. It’s merely a supposition without any scientific evidence.

Hence, before planning a nutritional diet for your XL bully, it’s crucial to do thorough research upon this.

Guy’s! Let’s learn about this and feed the best one.

Can XL bullies eat raw meat ?

Yes , XL bullies can surely have raw meat in their diet. It is even highly favoured by several dog owners.

However, there is no scientific proof which regards raw meat as the best way to feed your canine. So, if you are thinking of providing raw meat at their meal time, it is important to consider distinct views given by some experts.

Ian Billinghurst,an Australian veterinarian, proposed that all dogs should be fed as their ancestors used to. Feeding raw meat would be the best for them as well.

Yet, other vets have their own different points of view. The majority of the vets don’t agree with Ian Billinghurst’s suggestion, since there is no scientific evidence regarding its benefits. They believe in a variety of food diets, including veggies, grains and fish.

Therefore, all the people do not believe in a single theory about feeding raw meat to your XL American bully.

What is the BARF diet of XL American bully

The acronym for BARF is Biologically appropriate Raw Feeding. The BARF concept of Feeding was brought up by an Australian vet , Ian Billinghurst, in 1993.

This practice of raw feeding is based on the concept that dogs should consume their natural diet like their ancestors, wolves and other wild animals.

XL American bully is a dog with heavy muscle and mass, thus they require some extra nutrients relatively for their maintenance. People who agree with the BARF concept consider raw meat as a rich source of protein, vitamins and minerals.

Raw meat contains enzymes which facilitate the digestion process too.Apart from this, it has also been believed that a raw diet also helps in reducing allergies and keeping its fur & skin healthy.

Raw meat, fish, organ meat , vegetables and fruits are chiefly included in the BARF diet of these canines.

Raw food diet for XL American bully

If you are the new owner of an XL bully , then you should seek suggestions from a good vet regarding its balanced diet. Advice from experts can help you with meeting all the nutritional requirements of your pet.

Some people opine that the raw diet, including chicken,beef and pork, promotes the power and energy in these canines. Moreover, fish is a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids, which are essential for their healthy skin and fur. Thus ,it can be included along with their BARF diet.

Provide them with fruits and veggies which play a significant role in fulfilling the need for vitamins and minerals in them.

Meat in the Raw diet of XL Bullies

When we talk about the raw diet of the XL American bully, meat is one of the most important constituents to be included or chosen. It contains all the proteins and amino acids which support their immune system and result in their muscular growth.

Be sure to include several varieties of raw meat in your XL bully diet, like beef, chicken,turkey and pork.

Turkey and beef are easily digested by dogs of all breeds while keeping their teeth clean.

Fish in the Raw diet of XL bullies

Fish is also a good source of high protein with low fat content. Thus, it is also known as a lean protein. It not only provides a good quantity of protein but is also found rich in Omega 3 fatty acids.

Cod, Salmon and Haddock are some of the best options available for promoting the coat and skin of XL bullies.

Veggies in the Raw diet of XL bullies

Vegetables are also an essential addition to the raw diet food of XL American bullies. It provides all important vitamins and minerals for their overall health and wellbeing.

Carrot and sweet potatoes are excellent sources of vitamin A and contain low fat content. Vitamin A helps in maintaining healthy eyes, muscles, nerves and skin of XL bullies.

If your pet finds raw veggies hard to chew and digest, then you can break them down through a food processor.

Furthermore,owners should avoid adding oil,butter,salt or any other seasonings to the veggies of your canine.

The following is a list of vegetables which are considered healthy and safe for dogs:

  • Beets
  • Bell Peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Green beans
  • Peas
  • Celery
  • Spinach
  • Sweet potato

Fruits in the Raw diet of XL bullies

All fruits are not safe for dogs. As the process of digestion in dogs is different from human beings, eating something wrong may lead to some serious health issues.

So,if you are wondering about including some fresh fruits in the diet of your XL bully, then choosing fruits which are safe and healthy for them is significant.

American bully sick

Avocados, cherries and grapes are some of the fruits which are noxious for dogs .Hence, they should avoid consuming these fruits. In case they have it, consult your experienced veterinarian for an emergency.

American XL bullies should have high nutritional and low calorie fruits, which include apples,bananas,peaches, cranberries,mango & blueberries. These fruits are a great source of vitamins,fibres and are full of antioxidants.

Don’t forget to remove any seed or stem from fruits before feeding your XL bully. Otherwise ,it may lead to any long-term disease. Moreover ,these healthy fruits should be given in moderate amounts.

Advantages of feeding raw food to your XL bully

As already said, there is no scientific evidence found regarding the benefits of feeding a raw diet to your pet.

Yet, as per the supporters of BARF (Biologically appropriate Raw Feeding), the following are the benefits of a raw food diet being consumed by American XL bullies:

As raw meat is the natural food choice of dog’s ancestry. So it is considered biologically appropriate food for them.

Raw food diet, specifically fish, contains omega 3 fatty acids which will promote healthy skin and shiny soft furs of your XL American bully.

Raw food diet composes a higher measure of proteins with low fat content in it. It enables the XL bully to maintain its impressive physique and strength.

Raw meats like beef and turkey are easily digested by dogs as they contain various enzymes. As a result, better and rapid digestion takes place in them.

The healthy raw diet of American XL bullies is a rich source of varied vitamins and minerals. Hence, it helps in improving the immune system of your XL American bully. Additionally, raw veggies and meats keep their teeth clean and free from dental problems.

Drawbacks of feeding the Raw diet to your XL American bully

It is crucial to consult your vet before switching to the raw food diet of your XL American bully. Along with the benefits, it is believed that there are some drawbacks to it too.

Let’s have our look at them:

Feeding your XL bully with the appropriate proportion of all vitamins and minerals is crucial. Both lack of nutrients and excessive nutritional raw diet may lead to various health issues like liver failure, anaemia etc.

Different types of bacteria such as Yersinia and Salmonella can be present or may further grow in the Raw meat. These bacteria may harm both dog-eaten bacterial food and people in contact with that meat.

Bone is also one of the favourite raw foods of all breeds of dogs. Your pet may sometimes get injured with bone fragments swallowed in. This may also lead to some serious health issues like blockage in the oesophagus , intestine or asphyxiation.

How much raw meat should your XL bully consume ?

It is important to consult either a nutritionist or a vet concerning the appropriate proportion of raw meat to be consumed by an XL bully. They plan the raw diet of these canines after taking into consideration their weight, age and activity level.

XL bully puppies require more nutritional value food than an adult XL American bully due to their rapid growth at a young age. Thus, an adult canine should be fed with 2 to 3 % of their perfect body weight, while puppies of XL bully should consume 5 to 6% of their weight.

Yet , the needs of all dogs differ individually. Regular weight and health checkups of XL bullies are essential for ensuring the fulfilment of their nutritional requirements.

Final ending

The raw food diet is surely beneficial for improving the health and potential of the XL American bully. But it also have some disadvantages. So it is best to consult your vet before switching to a raw food diet from commercial food.

Ensuring the balanced and nutritional raw diet of your XL bully is equally important. When you shift your pet to a raw diet, follow a slow and gradual process because some dogs take longer to get adjusted to the raw diet. Hence, going slowly will result in smooth and successful change.


Q1 Can I feed my XL Bully raw meat?

Ans. Yes, XL bullies can eat raw meat as it provides many nutritional benefits to them. Yet, there are some risks involved due to which people disagree with raw meat feeding.

Q2 Does raw meat affect dogs?

Ans. It is not suitable for dogs whose immune system is weak.Raw meat may contain bacteria which can result in different types of diseases.

Q3.How much raw meat should I feed my XL Bully?

Ans. Generally, an adult XL bully should be fed with 2 to 3 % of their perfect body weight, while puppies of XL bully should consume 5 to 6% of their weight. However , it may differ as per weight, age and activity level of canines

Q4 Which raw meat is best for dogs?

Ans. Based on the opinion of several raw feeders of dogs, muscle meat , healthy organ meat and bones should be fed to dogs.

Q5.Can XL Bully drink milk?

Ans. No, XL bullies can’t drink milk because fats and high calories in milk may lead to some short-term or long-term illness.

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